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Free Workshop Rotation Model Lessons - Season 2

 A lesson for

Middle School Sunday School   |    Youth Group    |     High School Sunday School

Curriculum > Youth > Year 3 > Lesson 25


  • Will review the main concepts and stories covered during the program year


  • Internet connection
  • Laptop or computer to stream movie clips
  • Device to display the movies to the class
  • Printed handouts: Print this PDF
  • The table/chart for the activity: Google spreadsheet
  • Device to display the Google spreadsheet to the class



  • We start today’s class with the opening question. One of the teachers will ask the question and then to give you some time to think of an answer, the teacher asking the question will also answer first to give you some time to think.
  • Once the teacher answers the question, we'll go around the circle.
  • When it's your turn, start with your name and then answer the question to the best of your ability.
  • Here's this week's question: What's one thing that you remember/that sticks in your head from class this year?


  • The Bible stories are weird and interesting - even if they are sometimes hard to understand (mostly due to how old the stories are)
  • Although the stories are old, the ideas in them and what's happening in the stories are pretty timeless - which is why we match them every week with a movie clip - to help show how those same ideas are still in the current stories we watch/listen to today.
  • Learning to recognize how the ideas in the Bible stories are also in our own everyday lives is a type of analytical thinking - which is why the opening question was meant to relate to both our own lives and to the lesson/scripture story for the day.
  • We wanted all of us to get to know each other better and even trust one another. Which is why we had the opening question that was about our lives and also why (when we got to them), the activities were mostly built around some sort of challenge - because working together helps us get familiar with each other and trust each other a little bit more.
  • In terms of the actual material from this year, the over-arching theme is that there are those who teach about God and then there are the people who surround those teachers. With Samuel and Elijah, we see that there is lots of confusion and resistance. We then see the same thing happen in the Jesus stories. Finally, we see the same thing happen for the disciples after Jesus ascends. The two main points of resistance are the Pharisees, which represent the established way of understanding things don't want to consider any new ideas and then there is the crowd, who are easily persuaded and distracted and awed.
  • With the Jesus stories and the disciples, we see that the crowd and Pharisees are invited to follow Jesus - and for those that do (aka the disciples), then there is a learning process to trust God's way more than the way of the Pharisees and/or the crowd. There is a re-learning that happens. At the end of this relearning, the disciples are then sent out into the world as the next Jesuses - to repeat the pattern.


Getting to know Samuel the prophet

  • God talks to a young Samuel in the middle of the night, Samuel doesn't know it is God, eventually Eli helps Samuel figure it out.
  • Israelites want a king, now that Samuel is old. Samuel feels bad about the Israelites' choice - God reminds Samuel that the Israelites are not rejecting Samuel, but God.
  • Samuel anoints King David - God helps Samuel know who to anoint as the second king.

Getting to know Elijah the prophet

  • Elijah has a competition with 450 Baal Prophets - Elijah wins and the prophets of Baal all die
  • Queen Jezebel wants to kill Elijah after his victory, and Elijah wants to die. God then speaks to Elijah in the stillness after crazy storms. Tells him to get a student, Elisha.
  • At the end of his life, Elijah does not die but is carried off by a chariot of fire. Elisha wants a double helping of Elijah's spirit and seems to get it. This story is very much like the ascension story of Jesus in combination with Pentecost.

Jesus and John the Baptist

  • John's soon-to-be father (Zechariah) is told that he will be a father by a messenger from God. Zachariah doesn't believe the messenger…and goes mute.
  • Joseph is planning to break up with Mary because he thinks she's cheated on him. In a dream, a messenger of God tells Joseph to not do that. Joseph listens. Jesus is born into a much better situation than if Joseph had left Mary like he was originally planning.
  • John baptizes Jesus. God's Holy Spirit descends on Jesus - just like Pentecost where the spirit descends on the disciples.

Jesus and the Crowd

  • Jesus leaves the needs of the crowd to go pray
  • Jesus preaches in his hometown…and they try to throw him off a cliff
  • The crowd is so busy wanting to be entertained by Jesus, that they are incapable of paying attention to anything else and become an obstacle that four friends must get around in order to get their paralytic friend to Jesus. They do this by digging a hole thru Jesus' roof…and Jesus isn't even mad.

Jesus teaches the Disciples

  • Jesus teaches the disciples about prayer and the Holy Spirit (i.e. the Lord's Prayer)
  • Jesus calls Peter "Satan" because Peter has his mind on human things, not divine things. The "human" thing Peter has his mind on, btw, is trying to get Jesus to not go to Jerusalem where Jesus says he'll be killed.
  • Jesus sends out 70 of his disciples and they do what he does and they return to Jesus after some time and they are very excited about what happened.

Holy Week

  • Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard - he tells it to the Pharisees and it's about the Pharisees.  The Pharisees do their usual response of …. plotting to kill Jesus.
  • Jesus has been arrested and brought to Pontius Pilate (the Roman governor of the Jerusalem area) who finds Jesus not guilty, but is afraid of the crowd. Pilate eventually proclaims himself innocent and hands Jesus over to be crucified.
  • Jesus is crucified.


  • After Jesus' resurrection, Thomas, a disciple, does not hang out with the rest of the disciples and misses the first visit by Resurrected Jesus. But, Thomas gets a second chance - when he does what he's supposed to do by staying with the other disciples, then he sees Resurrected Jesus.
  • Jesus floats away (the Ascension) just before the thing that Jesus has been teaching and preparing the disciples for all throughout his ministry. Jesus does this because the disciples have to see that what Jesus has taught them lives inside of them, and not just inside of Jesus.
  • Pentecost arrives. FINALLY. After all this time of learning with Jesus and all these adventures during his ministry including his arrest, trial, death, resurrection and ascension, the disciples are finally ready for God's Holy Spirit. By receiving God's Holy Spirit, the disciples begin the same process that Jesus took them through, only this time, the disciples are the teachers and they have students.


  • We're going to review some of the stories we discussed this year by re-watching a number of the movie clips.
  • We'll watch a movie clip and then discuss and eventually vote on which of the available descriptions we think best matches the video clip.
  • Hopefully you remember some of the matches from our classes, but if you don't, note the bolded words in the descriptions - those are the concepts that both the Bible story and the video clip share.


  • Note 1: Spreadsheet with video clip links and descriptions can be viewed HERE.
  • Note 2: Instructions for use are at the top of the page and in the screenshot on right side of that page.


  • Thank the students for their presence and participation during the year


(recommend giving thanks for the students and blessing them by name in the prayer)

This material is the copyrighted property of and Nathanael Vissia. It is also free. Please use, improve and share this material. But you may not sell it or require any personal information for it.

End of the Program Year

Year 3 Review Lesson


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